
Streamline your Data with the Artwork Manager

Built-in reports give you an overview of your business at the click of a button. Choose from over twenty template reports with everything from monthly sales and top buyers to insurance and inventory reports. Or create a custom report using the intuitive Query Builder when you need more specific detail.

Custom Report Builder

Use the Artwork Manager's powerful Query Builder tool to create and save custom reports. Choose your data type and desired fields to get a detailed overview of your business. Then print, view online, or download an export from the database. Save your reports to run and download again and again.

Salesperson Reports

Generate salespersons commission reports on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Commissions are calculated based on your salespersons' commission percentage settings.

Ready Built Templates

Some of the most popular reports relating to artwork, collectors, and sales come pre-built into the Artwork Manager. Stats and records are available to help you track everything from the location of your inventory to your most popular artists and artwork.


Export your data at any time at the click of a button. Available exports include email list, mailing list, gross spent, invoices, artist, consignors, commissions, buyers, and marketing information. Downloads are available in Excel or CSV format.